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A very tight contest with over 600 affiliated pizza-makers who voted from all over the world. The Best AVPN Pizzeria 2022 goes to Casa De Rinaldi

The Association also presents a double survey that talks about the world of pizza today. The quality of the product dominates with the traditional pizza beating the competition.

The fourth edition of Best AVPN Pizzeria rewards Casa De Rinaldi, a historic restaurant in the heart of Rione Alto in Naples, led by Salvatore De Rinaldi and his son Cristiano. This is the result that emerged from the contest designed and organized by AVPN (Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana) at the end of about a month of voting, with continuous reversal of the rankings wiith the winner winning, as they say, by a whisker.

The title therefore remains in Naples, the homeland of true pizza, with Casa De Rinaldi adding its name to that of illustrious predecessors such as Enzo Coccia’s "La Notizia" in 2014, Ciro Salvo’s "50 Kalò" in 2019 and Attilio Bachetti’s “Pizzeria da Attilio” in 2021.

And it does so in this 2022 edition, the first one to have affiliated Maestri Pizzaiuoli only as entitled to vote. 600 voters, spread on all continents, a truly unique jury in the world.

Best AVPN Pizzeria is a unique competition in the world – explains Antonio Pace, President of Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana – with the pizza-makers judged by their colleagues, through very specific criteria which obviously have the quality of the product as a basis, but which take into account many other elements such as creativity, service, pairings, the aesthetics of the place. Obtaining this award really means entering the elite of pizza in the world”.

Therefore, the joy of the owners who discovered, only at the last second, that they had been proclaimed winner of the contest was more than justified.

It is an immense emotion – say Salvatore and Cristiano De Rinaldi – a recognition that rewards years of work and sacrifice and that in some way attests to the goodness of our path and our choices, always based on the search for quality and attention to our customers. And it is wonderful to receive this award from the hands of Antonio Pace, President of AVPN, an association that has always represented a precise point of reference for all of us”.

And the association has recently published the data of a double survey which offers a clear picture of the state of health of the pizza world.  “Double” as AVPN submitted its questionnaire to hundreds of its affiliates and, at the same time, addressed a large audience of enthusiasts through social networks.

For both parties, with almost the same percentage (76.6% for pizza-makers, 78% for customers), the product is fundamental. There are different perceptions, though, when other elements are taken into consideration. The aesthetics of the place is essential for just 2.13% of pizza makers while it rises to 7% for consumers, which reserved just 9% for the quality of the service against 15% in the opinion of the owners.

In terms of promotion, pizza-makers have no doubts and rely on social networks for the 91.49%.

The primary target is made up of groups of friends (53.19%) but it also remains a point of reference for families (36.17%), much less for couples (4.26%) and for business meetings (6.38%).  Saturday triumphs as the day of maximum turnout (70.21%).

On the consumer side, for over 70% the pizzeria remains a safe destination for an evening with friends or family (71%). 46% pay close attention to the cleanliness of the restaurant, 26% pay attention to waiting times while 21% let themselves be seduced by the quality of the service in the dining room.  The choice is often conditioned by word of mouth: 41% of consumers rely on the advice of friends and acquaintances, while 26% carefully browse social networks. Guides, Trip Advisor and blogs make up an interesting 33%.

On the challenge between traditional pizza and new versions ofoit, the public has no hesitation: the ideal pizzeria is the one that offers Neapolitan pizza, with a majority of 90%, which leaves no room for doubt and  Margherita is at the top of the list of preferences .

Another relevant figure is that related to the frequency of evenings spent in pizzerias: 49% of those interviewed settle on four times a month, 29% between two and four, 19% allow themselves one evening a month.

The survey was one of the topics explored during the award ceremony but certainly not the only one, given the particular moment the sector is experiencing. The news of the European Union’s decision to register Neapolitan pizza among the STG (Guaranteed Traditional Specialties) subject to name, has gone around the world. In practice, the law sanctions the prohibition of using the term “Neapolitan pizza” where the product does not comply with the production regulations registered under the STG brand.

“It is a complex question – comments Antonio Pace – which requires the right insights that allow everyone, us pizza-makers first, to fully understand its scope and meaning. The fact that after the publication in the Official Journal of the European Union there have been many declarations often contradicting each other, testifies to the delicacy of the subject, which must be studied carefully to examine all the implications, avoiding that gray areas remainng, which offer the side to different interpretations”.

Wednesday 07 December 2022