VPN Americas


The AVPN at SIGEP World 2025 in Rimini: management and coordination of the Pizza Club the new talk/masterclass area Hall B8

The Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (AVPN) partner of SIGEP World, scheduled to take place in Rimini from January 18 to 22, will curate the schedule of masterclasses and talks at the Pizza Club, located in the new Hall, East Entrance, B8.
New for the 2025 edition of SIGEP World is the introduction of the complete pizza supply chain, from raw materials to technologies to fillings.
After the 24-hour masterclasses of Vera Pizza Day on January 17 immediately another great event not to be missed!
The Pizza Club will be the meeting point of the pizza community offering a schedule of showcooking and masterclasses talking about different topics from dough to leavening, from baking to fillings.


Full schedule:
Daily at 11:00 a.m. Talk “Coffee with the President” featuring Antonio Pace - AVPN President, Paolo Surace - AVPN Secretary General and five international guests of note.

January 18
12:00 Noon Showcooking “Generazione Verace” with Ciro and Antonio Coppola (Coppola Brothers)
2:30 p.m. Conference “La Pizza Napoletana and its boundless authenticity” Gennarino Esposito, Chef La Torre del Saracino,
Antonio Pace, President AVPN,
Stefano Auricchio, AVPN General Manager,
Lino Cutolo, Founder and Ceo CMDO,
Stefano Carboni, Communications Expert,
moderated by Andrea Lupini, Director of Italia a Tavola
at the end Awards Ceremony Best AVPN Pizzeria 2024
4 p.m. Masterclass “Margherita and her sisters” with Francesco Pone (Da Pone) and Fulvio Belfiore (Da Fulvio)
6:30 p.m. Aperipizza

January 19
11:00 am Talk “Coffee with the President” with Antonio Pace, President AVPN, Gennarino Esposito, Chef La Torre del Saracino, Lino Cutolo, Founder and Ceo CMDO
12:00 Noon Showcooking “Generazione Verace” with Antonello Cioffi (La Piedigrotta)
2:30 p.m. Conference.
“The Future of Pizzeria Education in the World. The new trends of 2025”
Peppe Miele - President VPN Americas
Umberto Napolitano, Founder Pizza Schule
Mirko D'Agata, Director AVPN School Montreal
Giuseppe Di Girolamo, AVPN Amateur Projects Manager
Jędrzej Lewandowski, Brand Ambassador AVPN Poland
Andrea Lupini, Director of Italia a Tavola moderates
4 p.m. Masterclass “Margherita and her sisters” with Vincenzo Esposito (Carmnella)
6:30 pm Aperipizza


January 20
11:00 am Talk “Coffee with the President” with Antonio Pace, President AVPN and Sandro Camilli - President AIS Italy
12:00 Noon Showcooking “Generazione Verace” with Giacomo Devoto (Locanda de Banchieri) and Gianmarco Ferrandi (Officine del Cibo)
2:30 p.m. Conference “Artisan Pizzeria Chains: from new trend to established reality”
Mirko D'Agata (N°900 - Canada),
Antonio Belardo (NAP - Spain and Germany),
Nicola Taglialatela (Peperino - Italy and Malta)
Moderated by Antonio Puzzi, director of Pizza e Pasta Italiana
4 pm Masterclass “Margherita and her sisters” with Ciro Salvo (50 Kalò)
6:30 pm Aperipizza

January 21
11:00 a.m. Talk “Coffee with the President” with Antonio Pace, President AVPN and Paolo Surace Secretary General AVPN
12:00 Noon Showcooking “Generazione Verace” with Luca Tudda (Ammasciata) and Corrado Scaglione (Enosteria Lipen);
2:30 p.m. Conference “The Socio-Economic Observatory of Neapolitan Pizza”
With Stefano Auricchio, Director General AVPN,
Rocco Agrifoglio, Full Professor of Organization
Business Organization University of Naples “Parthenope”
Massimo Di Porzio, President of Confcommercio Campania
Moderator Antonio Fucito, Dissapore
4 p.m. Masterclass “Margherita and her sisters” with Luca Di Massa (+39) and Gennaro Langella (M'arrecreo)
6:30 pm Aperipizza

January 22
12:00 Noon Showcooking “Generazione Verace”


At our booth Pad B8/106 you can get more information about amateur and professional courses, the affiliation process and the supplier register.


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Friday 13 December 2024